It's important to remind our state legislators whenever we can about the needs of Kentucky youth. The decisions they make on state laws and budgets have a real impact for families!
As our legislators meet for the 2025 legislative session, their attention is split in many directions. That's why it's so important for lots of us to reach out!
We may not see the results we want in one session, but our efforts each year lay the ground work for future progress.
The Kentucky legislature has reserved $25 million for an adjustment to Medicaid reimbursement rates in the upcoming fiscal year. KyUMH receives these funds for reimbursement for our services, but they are not nearly enough to cover the cost of the high-quality care we provide. This leads to long waiting lists for clients and staff turnover due to a lack of competitive wages.
As we meet with legislators this year, we will ask them to raise Medicaid behavioral health service rates so we can address the overwhelming amount of youth and families struggling with mental health and substance use concerns.
Here are a few ideas of ways you can raise your voice with us:
The current action alert is for House Bill 787. Please call every day you can!
House Bill 787 will strengthen accountability for Medicaid Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) to allow health care providers to focus on care for Kentucky’s children and families instead of challenging administrative hurdles.
Here's what to do:
1. Call the legislative message line at 1-800-372-7181
2. Give your name and address to the attendant when prompted.
3. When asked who your message is for, say “All Members of the House”
4. When asked for your message, say “Please pass HB787 to reduce administrative burdens for health care providers and increase care for Kentucky’s children and families. Thank you.”
Please call Rebecca Merrill at (859) 523-2976 or email once you have called, so we can keep a tally of how many calls have been made.